We are committed to respecting your privacy.
If you choose to register at the Yamb web site, we will provide you a possibility to choose your Yamb username and password, and email address where we will send a confirmation email. First name and last name are optional and do not have to be provided.
Registration is optional and the game will function also without it.
You may choose to register at our web site, and have your yamb scores sent to the server. Authentication and score submission will occur only if you tick "Login using Yamb account" and provide your Yamb username and password. You can opt out in which case your scores will be stored locally.
In all Yamb high score lists it is only your username that will be displayed. We will not use your information for any marketing purposes, but solely for assembling high score lists.
We will not share your information with other companies.
You can remove your information by sending an email to yamb@brankabas.com.