This is my vision of how should a classic YAHTZEE game look like. Send all comments you have to my e-mail address. 

If you want to see what it is all about, you can click here.


You can play Java version directly from your browser, or if you prefer you can download Visual Basic version (either for Windows 95 or Windows 3.11).

Java Version:

If you wish to play Java Version - click here. This version will be improved very soon, and is going to incorporate result storing in a database, as well as a possibility of playing across the network.

Visual Basic Version:

Version 2.1 for Windows 95/NT - Network game, help ...:

Yamb 2.1 without Msvbvm60.dll 516k 

If you don't have MSVBVM60.DLL, you can download the next one:

Yamb 2.1 with Msvbvm60.dll 1.683k 

Here is version 1.1 for Windows 3.x. 

Yamb 1.1 without VBRUN300.DLL 175k

If you don't have VBRUN300.DLL , you can download the next one:

Yamb 1.1 with VBRUN300.DLL 435k
